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Handpan accessories
Technologies (HCT)
About: Founded in 2011, the focus of Hardcase Technologies is exclusively in the world of Handpans and the optimization of solutions and methods in respect of their transportation and protection of these delicate and precious musical instruments.
Recommend by the best handpan makers in the world, the Hardcase Technologies bags are most reliable to store your instrument, With bags/cases specially designed for your need such as travelling in car, bus, train, flight or even to hike.
Handpan Oil
About: Created with love by Alessia and Benny, the Phoenix Handpan Oil is crafted in Italy and recommended by the best handpan makers and players across the world. The oil helps to create a protective barrier on the surface of your instrument without leaving any residue, while giving it a shiny finish. The Phoenix Handpan Oil has a pleasant scent of natural lemongrass that arises from some of its natural ingredients from its secret formula.
Recommended by the best handpan players and makers in the world.
*Please find photos and a video of every product below
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